Thinking Inside the Box

How do we Evaluate the Future of Service? - Jonathan Shroyer

Matt Burns Season 1 Episode 117

In today’s episode, I chat with Jonathan Shroyer, a San Mateo, CA-based Chief Customer Experience Innovation Officer, at Arise Virtual Solutions Inc., a disruptive technology platform connecting the world’s biggest brands with a previously untapped network of small business owners and their agents. Prior to this, he held roles with Microsoft and Kabam.

Jonathan’s mantra as a leader is to dream big and go forth to achieve what others say is not possible. The future is built by those that say how can it be done and adapt Nelson Mandela’s ‘Win or Learn’ philosophy. The results speak for themselves, as Jonathan has been recognized by the Wall Street Journal with a Lifetime Achievement Award, by Forbes and Fortune USA as one of the Top CX Professionals of 2022

Given the depth and breadth of his experiences, it was rather predictable that we discussed the future of work. And I was particularly interested in Jonathan’s take given the diversity of organizations he’s supported. We also tackled customer experience, and more broadly, its intersection with employee experience. 

I’ve been saying for years now that a merger between Marketing and HR is in the not-too-distant future. The melding of inside and outside voices necessary to ensure organizations not only talk the talk, but walk the walk. 

It was such a pleasure connecting with Jonathan. And I hope you enjoy it. 

Jonathan Shroyer

Jonathan’s mantra as a leader is to dream big and go forth to achieve what others say is not possible... The future is built by those that say how can it be done and adapt Nelson Mandela’s Win or Learn philosophy. This has never been more evident than in co—founding of Officium Labs, which Arise acquired in 2021. Jonathan also believes actions speak louder than words.


Thinking Inside the Box

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Matt Burns

Matt Burns is an award-winning executive, social entrepreneur and speaker. He believes in the power of community, simplicity & technology.
